Tuesday 15 March 2011

Musing and Playing

As you can see I have been playing.... not sure if it's right yet.... perhaps too fussy.... hmmmmmmmm but have the web address now and so maybe able to play some more with that too... once I work out what I am doing.

I have a few ideas I want to play more with here, such as:

  • Trying and testing things;
  • Reviewing items I have bought, -
  • Reviewing books

And then there is cooking & baking and lots of other 'kitchen witchery.'

As well as linking to some of my favourite blogs and web sites.  

I have another blog ( and hopefully web site)  which I am going to use to discuss and talk about my Mediumship  - will link it up eventually - but for now this one will be for all things Witchy!!

So Hubble Bubble Toil and Trouble, time to get stirring my cauldron - *smile* - and see what comes out of it!

I do love this time of year.....

Thursday 15 July 2010

a few from my collection ....

A Collection of 'Crones'.

Daniel Hopfer, (vers 1470-1536): also known as  
The Ugly Duchess and A Grotesque Old Woman

An African Crone

Three Old Women beating the Devil - Woodcut

Old Woman Dozing - Nicolae Maes Circa 1656

Wicked Queen - Disney's Snow White ....

Anna by Alice Matzkin

What Ever happened to Baby Jane 

Bag of Bones

Baksy 2006

Crones don't Whine....

"Crones don't whine. They're juicy and they trust their instincts. They don't grovel. They do meditate. They choose the path with heart. Crones are fierce about what matters most to them. They speak the truth with compassion. They listen to their bodies, reinvent themselves as needed and savor the good in their lives."

Found on the 'tinternet'- though from, Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D's . - Crones Don't Whine

Saturday 29 May 2010

Fantastic Image

I found a fantastic image of a Crone by Fesign - sadly as it is copyrighted ( and rightly so), all I can do at present is direct you to it... you can find it on Flickr here

I have emailed the photographer to ask if I could post it, as it is truly fantastic, as is all of his work, which can be seen on his website here 
Gosh it's over a year since I created this... how time flies...  Sadly this blog can now not be used for what it was intended -so what shall I  do with the space?? 

I am keeping the name... who knows one day I may actually have the business it was intended for.... my little shop/cafe and of course gallery (and website). 

I don't want to give it up/away .. so perhaps for now a new adventure .... a new path for the 'Crones' and for me...

So after a little thought and musing - I think I shall use this to show the images and writings I have found and may find on the idea of the  'Crone,' as well as a few thoughts of my own.

So just to get the ball rolling - so to speak-

The Crone by Reynaldo

If you know of any other images of Crones.... 
Please feel free to let me know, send them to me etc., I'm going to keep a look out for them in unusual places.... 
And of course, I will let you know what I can find.